Thank you for joining me. I welcome you on this journey towards a much healthier, much longer and much happier life!

This site will primarily be a place to allow you a place to ask questions. The answers will be posted via videos that will be put on either YouTube or for the “members of the IADFW only” type questions, those videos will be put on

About 11 years ago, we put this domain to use and had over 700 questions asked for an upcoming webinar in less than a week. Obvioiusly, there was no way to answer all of them. But many of the questions were the same or similar in nature. The goal will be to always answer the most commonly asked questions here or to direct you to the answer in a video previously released.

Once again, thank you for joining me on this incredible journey of life. And please, if you find this or any of the links to be beneficial, pay it forward and share the information with your friends and family.